Through small daily gestures or more in-depth actions, we try to make our modest contribution to the preservation of our beautiful planet. We invite you to help us in this process during your stay with us.
The garden :
Our garden is labeled Garden of Noah: http://www.jardinsdenoe.org which implies not using any product phytosanitary, manual weeding, endemic plants and melliferae low water consumption…
We practice sustainable mowing so that our friends the bees and butterflies, among others, can enjoy our meadow flowers.
Installation of insect hotels (even if our garden is already a beautiful refuge), bat and bird nesting boxes…
Limited night lighting with sensor lamps and pool lighting towards the ground. (limiting light pollution)
Moderate watering with well water.
Regulatory treatment but as low as possible of swimming pool water (little chlorine)
Selective sorting bins at the swimming pool
For the summer kitchen, we lend the dishes needed for your meals and we take care of washing them in the dishwasher: no disposables, no waste of water.
The House :
We installed photovoltaic panels to reduce our meter consumption
Timer in the bedroom staircase.
Selective sorting of waste with compost
Homemade jams and yogurts
For stays of 2 days or more: change of bathroom linen and cleaning every two days and not every day. (to be adapted to request of course)
We ask you to manage water, lighting and heating as best as possible.
Saint Martin de Valgégales is a town whose eco-responsible commitment is at the heart of all actions.
In 2022, the village obtained the 2nd flower of the “Cities and villages in bloom” label as well as for several years the “Zéro Phyto” label
In 2021, it was awarded the “Village where life is good” label.
Creation of shared gardens, regular planting of new trees, wood boilers in schools..
The agglomeration of Ales and the Cévennes territory are among the most certified in the areas of nature and environmental preservation in France
with, among others, the coveted global label RICE: International Starry Sky Reserve.